Group Sessions

Reiki and Sound Healing - 90 minutes
This session starts with a guided meditation, then moves into a sound bath, and then transitions into a group reiki treatment, and finally ends with a tarot and tea.
All included in the overall price, spaces are limited to 8 per session.
There is also an opportunity to purchase crystal jewellery and other bits and pieces - card or cash is accepted.
Kundalini Activation - 90 minutes
This session starts with a very short guided meditation and then the kundalini energy is activated and the music played.
This session is limited to 8.
There will be a 60 minute kundalini activation and then time to adjust back to reality at the end for 30 minutes.

Reiki Experience - 60 minutes
This sessions is led by a guided meditation, one that helps you to relax even further and really connect with the reiki energy.
This session is limited to 10 people.
Tarot and Tea - 120 minutes
This session is very relaxed and consists of tarot readings and tea, there will be an opportunity to chat and learn about the other services that are on offer.
Also available to buy will be crystals, jewellery, tarot decks, bath salts and dream catchers - stock varies

Sound Healing - 60 minutes
These sessions start with a guided meditation followed by around 45 minutes of sound healing, where crystal instruments and healing frequencies. are played.
These sessions are limited to 8 people.
To check out session benefits head over to the healing services tab above.
If you require a ticket link please reach out via any of my platforms and I can forward it to you or alternatively purchase via Eventbrite - Just For Today, Healing With Natalie